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Linux Distro Comments
I have been asked by a few people recently what I think is the best Linux distribution and with most things the answer is not clear cut. My answer has been “well it depends”, which is always met with the person questioning me rolling there eyes and giving me that look as to why I can’t I ever give them a straight answer. But my issue with the answer is that I am currently running several distributions at home and if I can’t settle on a single one how can I tell you what Linux is best for you without some background information.
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Dune Universe Books
Although there are only six Frank Herbert Dune books, with the addition of the Brain Herbert & Kevin J Anderson prequels and sequels there become quite a few to read. Below is a list of them in published order (which is likely the way they are expected to be read but as I didn’t write them that is only my hypothesis). From what I have read elsewhere (but can’t remember so please don’t take as gospel), the prelude and legends of dune were written from the notes left by Frank Herbert and were used to get everything together to finish the story (which resulted in the Dune Sequel books).
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Contributing To A Blog
Writing content that other people will want to read is a skill that takes practice and is quite different to writing personal notes or technical documentation. This site is an internal playground to practice but that doesn’t mean that you should not strive to produce something that could be displayed externally. I have written a few guidelines that I think are important. However these are not all hard and fast rules and are only some pointer to get you started on the correct track.
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